Signalization and safety of public transport
For the needs of Stolichen Elektrotransport EAD and Trace Sofia EAD we supplied, installed, and commissioned remote-controlled switch turnout devices, both hydraulic and electromagnetic.
01.12.2017Прочети публикацията
Electrification of the railway and public transport
Hanger clamps type "KRUCH" HKL 02.2.10 were regularly delivered for the needs of the National Railway Infrastructure Company at catenary reconstruction and modernisation sites.
01.12.2017Прочети публикацията
Train dispatcher radio connections
In 2016, 6 mobile radio stations MESA 23-02 were supplied for the needs of BULMARKET OOD, Ruse. These are capable of connecting to the existing Bulgarian train dispatcher radio network, representing a railway transport safety system. All radio stations supplied by us support supplementary integration of a GSM-R block, which enables their inclusion in the existing European GSM-R network.
01.12.2017Прочети публикацията